Wednesday, June 12, 2019

OAF VO Binding Styles

Following are the binding styles that can be used in the OAF screens.

Oracle Positional: This style represents parameters as colons followed by numbers, as in the following code fragment:WHERE bar = :1 AND foo = :2 In this style, the numbers are just for easier readability: Parameters are passed into the view object in the order in which the numbers occur. The above fragment, for example, is equivalent to WHERE bar = :70 AND foo = :3

Oracle Named: This style represents parameters as colons followed by identifiers, as in the following code fragment:WHERE bar = :barparam AND foo = :fooparam Unlike the positional styles, the names of the parameters are actually used when the application fills the parameter values

JDBC Positional: This style represents parameters as question marks, as in the following code fragment:WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?. This should be used only if you are working with non-oracle database.

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